Busan to Suwon Train
377 kilometers
Travel time
2 hours 30 minutes
Daily Departures
Busan to Suwon Train Schedule
*The information is subject to change. Planning a rail journey in South Korea? Check current Busan - Suwon train timetable.
Busan to Suwon Railway Route Map This page provides all the information you need about the Busan to Suwon trains (a list of departures, route map, general train info) and you can book your tickets in minutes. After gathering all the necessary information about the Busan to Suwon trains and booking your tickets effortlessly, it's time to prepare for an exciting journey ahead. As you embark on your train adventure, be sure to pack all your essentials and double-check your itinerary for any last-minute details. Whether you're traveling for leisure or business, the scenic route from Busan to Suwon promises breathtaking views and memorable experiences along the way. So sit back, relax, and get ready to enjoy the convenience and comfort of rail travel as you make your way to Suwon, eagerly anticipating the adventures that await upon arrival. |
Train from Busan to Suwon: What You Need to Know
Traveling between Suwon and Busan by KTX high-speed train is definitely one of the smartest choices.
Depending on your choice of train, it takes 2 hours and 34 minutes to 5 hours and 25 minutes to travel between two cities.
A modern, high-speed KTX train runs between Busan and Suwon, as well as a variety of ITX-Saemaul trains and Mugunghwa trains.
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